Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
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This Sunday, the fourth of Advent, The Choral Eucharist will follow the musical norms of a French organ Mass.
The Roman Catholic Low Mass, until the Second Vatican Council, was in general read quietly by the priest with responses made only by the altar server. The congregation might follow along in a hand missal or with private devotions like the rosary. In the German Singmesse the congregation would sing hymns appropriate to the parts of the Mass. During the baroque period in France, it was common for the organ to play background music. The organ could, as well, alternate with a cantor who would sing parts of a Mass setting.
This Sunday at Christ Church Cathedral, in the manner of the French baroque organ Mass, Patrick Wedd will perform, on the Wilhelm organ, movements from Gaspard Corrette, Messe du 8e ton pour l'orgue à l'usage des dames religieuses, and, during the Sanctus/Benedictus and the Agnus Dei, he will alternate with the cantor who will chant verses from an 11th century plainsong setting.
At the Sanctus/Benedictus, Patrick plays the 1st Sanctus, the cantor sings the 2nd Sanctus, Patrick plays the "2nd" Sanctus, then the cantor chants in plainsong to the end of the Benedictus.
For the Agnus Dei, Patrick plays Agnus Dei, then the cantor sings the 2nd Agnus Dei, then Patrick plays the "2nd" Agnus Dei.
At Communion, Patrick will perform L'Élévation: cromorne en taille as a tierce en taille. ("L’élévation" refers to the raising of the Bread and the Cup in the Roman rite after the words of institution have been said.)
The organ prelude will be the Cromorne en taille (Christe eleison) from the Kyrie of the Mass and the postlude will be the Grand Dialogue à trois choeurs from the Offertory.
Click to read about Gaspard Corrette.
A Performance of Gaspard Corrette, Messe du 8e ton pour l'orgue à l'usage des dames religieuses by Yves-G. Préfontaine on the Tribuot organ of the Church of Saint Martin, Seurre (France). [NML] (Click here for info.)

Patrick Wedd will bring to a close Automne Messiaen 2008 in Montreal and finish his reprise of the complete organ works of Olivier Messiaen on the Wilhelm organ of Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday, December 20, at 5:00 pm. Admission free / voluntary contribution.
Patrick Wedd will perform Olivier Messiaen, La Nativité du Seigneur.
To prepare, listen to: Jennifer Bate, Olivier Latry, Dame Gillian Weir.
St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue has online excellent programme notes. Click here, then go to page 7 for the comments on La Nativité du Seigneur.
These programme notes accompany John Scott's Messiaen recitals at St. Thomas. Click here to listen online.
If you missed the Messiah Sing-along at Christ Church Cathedral, you can at least watch online the December 16th performance of Messiah at Trinity Church Wall Street with the Trinity Church Choir and the Rebel Baroque Orchestra conducted by Andrew Megill. Click here.