Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
3) The Concert Calendar.
Thomas Tomkins' My Shepherd is the Living Lord is the Communion motet for this coming Sunday, May 3. Click to read about Thomas Tomkins and listen to one, or possibly two, versions of the motet.

Worcester Cathedral where Tomkins served as organist.

Matthew Camidge (1774-1844) was organist of York Minster. Two movements of his concerto No. 2 are the organ voluntaries for Choral Eucharist this coming Sunday, May 3. To listen to another of his concerti, No. 6 in c, performed by Colin Wright on the 1769 Snetzler/1995 Wood organ of Beverley Minster, a Yorkshire church not far from York Minster, click here, then click on "807 Part II."
Beverley Minster Organ
Musica Orbium under the direction of Patrick Wedd is sponsoring a fundraising sing-along (lecteur à vue) of Antonio Vivaldi, Gloria in D, RV 589, at Christ Church Cathedral, on Saturday, May 2, at 6:30 pm. Admission $10. Scores available to borrow.
YouTube provides the opportunity to practice beforehand with a moving score. Click here to check it out as well as listen to two performances, one, the recent recording on Analekta by Montreal's own Ensemble Caprice, directed by Matthias Maute, with Shannon Mercer, Josée LaLonde, Sophie Larivière, Monika Mauche, and Amanda Keesmaat.
2009 Commemoration: 200th anniversay of the birth of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47)
Click to go Felix Mendelssohn, Psalm 115, Op. 31, performed by Eiddwen Harrhy, soprano; Hervé Lamy, tenor; Peter Kooy, bass; La Chapelle royale; Collegium vocale; Ensemble orchestral de Paris; Philippe Herreweghe conducting.
And for those with access to the Naxos Music Library (e.g., card-holders of the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec): A performance of Felix Mendelssohn, Psalm 115, op. 31, Michaela Krämer, soprano; Dirk Lüdemann, tenor; Bernhard Hüsgen, bass; Dortmund University Chamber Choir; Florilegium Musicum; Willi Gundlach conducting. [NML] (info)
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 4, Christ Lag in Todesbanden / Christ lay in the bonds of death, performed by Soprano: Judith Nelson; Alto: Daniel Taylor; Tenor: Benjamin Butterfield; Bass: Kurt-Owen Richards; American Bach Soloists (no choir); Jeffrey Thomas conducting; Recorded at St. Stephen's Church, Belvedere, CA, USA.

YouTube provides the opportunity to practice beforehand with a moving score. Click here to check it out as well as listen to two performances, one, the recent recording on Analekta by Montreal's own Ensemble Caprice, directed by Matthias Maute, with Shannon Mercer, Josée LaLonde, Sophie Larivière, Monika Mauche, and Amanda Keesmaat.
2009 Commemoration: 200th anniversay of the birth of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47)

And for those with access to the Naxos Music Library (e.g., card-holders of the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec): A performance of Felix Mendelssohn, Psalm 115, op. 31, Michaela Krämer, soprano; Dirk Lüdemann, tenor; Bernhard Hüsgen, bass; Dortmund University Chamber Choir; Florilegium Musicum; Willi Gundlach conducting. [NML] (info)

Ugolino di Nerio, The Resurrection, National Gallery, London, c.1324-25