Remember, you are dust and unto dust you shall return [Ash Wednesday liturgy].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir NotesAsh Wednesday
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On Ash Wednesday in choral Eucharist, the Miserere mei, Deus, Psalm 51 [50 in the Latin Vulgate] will be chanted during the liturgy of the ashes. Here is a version chanted in Latin. Additional versions of the Miserere will be posted every week throughout Lent.
Georges Roualt, Miserere: Always scourged
Miserere mei, Deus (Psalm 51 [50]) in Gregorian chant by Giovanni Vianini, Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis. [YouTube]

The Communion motet for choral Eucharist on Ash Wednesday is Claudio Merulo, Peccantem me quotidie / I sin every day. Click to go to performances by a number of composers.
Christian Dare: The Publican

The organ postlude for choral Eucharist on Ash Wednesday is Johann Sebastian Bach, O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß / O man, bewail thy grievous fall, BWV 622. Click to go to a number of performances.
2010 is the 250th anniversary of the birth of Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842)

Click to go to Luigi Cherubini, Requiem in C-minor, performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra, Ambrosian Singers (John McCarthy, chorus master), Riccardo Muti conducting.