All ate the same spiritual food ... Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them [NRSV, 1 Corinthians 10:4,5].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir NotesThird Sunday of Lent
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar

Relive the Christ Church Cathedral Choirs concert that celebrated the 150th anniversary of the cathedral: music composed by cathedral musicians and music composed for the cathedral. Click for more information and learn how to purchase your own CD of the Banquet céleste. Your contribution supports music at the cathedral.

Both organ voluntaries for this coming Sunday, the Third Sunday of Lent, are the work of Jehan Alain. Click to go to a Pipedreams programme of Jehan Alain's organ music along with Michael Barone discussing her brother with the celebrated French organist, Marie-Claire Alain.
Jehan Alain

To listen to a reconstruction of Johann Sebastian Bach, St Mark Passion, BWV 247, performed by the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Ton Koopman conducting, while following the text in both German and English, right-click here, the left-click on "Open in New Window," then click here. Arrange windows.
Antonello da Messina, Christ Crowned with Thorns, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 15th cent.
Three hundredth anniversary of the birth of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-1786)

Click to go to 4 organ works by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: Fugue in c, two Fugues in D, and the Chorale-prelude, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland.
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach

Click to go to José de Nebra: Miserere in G minor for 2 voices and ensemble, performed by Olalla Alemán & Raquel Andueza and Los Musicos de su Alteza, Luis Antonio González conducting.

Click to go to Zoltán Kodály, Stabat Mater dolorosa, performance by the Coro Dulcis Memoria, Frederico Raffaelli conducting.
Joos van Cleve, Crucifixion, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1525