Michiel van der Borch, Last Supper, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, 1332
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Holy Week: Maundy Thursday through Easter
April 21-24, 2011
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.
Click to go to a variety of different compositions of In Monte Oliveti.
Click to go to Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Stabat Mater, conducted by Brown, Christophers, Fasolis, Parrott and Willcocks, as well as a wide selection of other Stabat Maters for online listening.
Albrecht Altdorfer, Crucifixion, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, c.1526
Il Sodoma, Flagellation of Christ, Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest, c. 1510
Click to read about and listen to a number of performances of the Improperia / Reproaches / Popule Meus.

Click to learn about Gregorio Allegri, Miserere, and listen to performances by The Sixteen; the Tallis Scholars; the Ensemble A Sei Voci; the Taverner Consort; and the choirs of King's College, Cambridge; Trinity College, Cambridge; and St. John's College, Cambridge.
Gregorio Allegri
To listen to Johann Sebastian Bach, St John Passion, BWV 245, by the Trinity Wall Street Choir and Baroque Orchestra, Mark Molomot (evangelist), Robert Mealy (concertmaster), Andrew Parrott conducting, while following the text in German and English, right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window," then click here. Arrange windows. Click for programme.
Caravaggio, Ecce Homo, Palazzo Rosso, Genoa, 1606
Johann Sebastian Bach, St. John Passion, BWV 245, by Gerd Türk, Evangelist; Stephan MacLeod, Jesus; Midori Suzuki, soprano; Robin Blaze, alto; Chiyuki Urano, bass; Bach Collegium Japan; Masaaki Suzuki conducting [YouTube]
There are English sub-titles. To follow the German, click on "show more" and German text will appear.
El Greco, Christ carrying the cross, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, c. 1580

To listen to Johann Sebastian Bach, St John Passion, BWV 245, by Mark Padmore, tenor; Peter Harvey, baritone; Katharine Fuge, soprano; Robin Blaze, countertenor; Nicholas Mulroy, tenor; Jeremy Budd, tenor; Matthew Brook, bass; English Baroque Soloists; Monteverdi Choir; John Eliot Gardiner conducting, while following the text in German and English, right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window," then click here. Arrange windows.
To listen to Johann Sebastian Bach, St John Passion, BWV 245, by Olga Kondina, soprano; Elena Rubyn, mezzo-soprano; Andrew Goodwin, tenor; Vincent Haab, baritone; Vyacheslav Lukhanin, bass; Andreas Wagner, tenor; Olga Mayorova, harpsicord; Dmitry Grigoriev, organ; The Chorus of Kazan State Conservatory; The Chorus of the Opera Studio of Kazan State Conservatory; The Chamber Orchestra of Kazan State Conservatory; Leo Kremer conducting; while following the text in German and English; right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window," then click here. Arrange windows.
Hieronymous Bosch, Christ mocked, National Gallery, London, c. 1490-1500

An English version of Tomás Luis de Victoria, The Passion according to St. John, performed by the Renaissance Singers of Montreal, Donald Mackey conducting. [YouTube]
A Latin version, performed by La Colombina. [NML] (info)

Orlando di Lassus: Lagrime di San Pietro
Sir Anthony van Dyke, Penitent Apostle Peter, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 1617-18
Caravaggio, The crowning with thorns, Cassa di Risparmio, Prato, 1602-03
Hieronymous Bosch, Christ mocked, National Gallery, London, c. 1490-1500

An English version of Tomás Luis de Victoria, The Passion according to St. John, performed by the Renaissance Singers of Montreal, Donald Mackey conducting. [YouTube]
A Latin version, performed by La Colombina. [NML] (info)

Orlando di Lassus: Lagrime di San Pietro
Sir Anthony van Dyke, Penitent Apostle Peter, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 1617-18

Click to go to a wide selection of organ music for Easter online listening at Pipedreams.
1890 Cavaillé-Coll organ, St-Ouen, Rouen
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Christ lag in Todesbanden / Christ lay in death's bonds, Cantata 4 (BWV 4):
Performance of Monteverdi Choir / English Baroque Soloists; John Eliot Gardiner conducting.
Performance of Boy Soprano: (No Name); Alto: Paul Esswood; Tenor: Kurt Equiluz; Bass: Max van Egmond; Wiener Sängerknaben and Chorus Viennensis (Chorus Master: Hans Gillesberger) / Concentus Musicus Wien; Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducting.
Performance of Soprano: Barbara Schlick; Alto: Kai Wessel; Tenor: Guy de Mey; Bass: Klaus Mertens; Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir; Ton Koopman conducting.
Performance of Soprano: Emily van Evera; Alto: Caroline Trevor; Tenor: Charles Daniels; Bass: David Thomas; Taverner Consort Players; Andrew Parrott conducting.
Performance of Bass: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau; Münchener Bach-Chor / Münchener Bach Orchester; Karl Richter conducting.
Performance of Soprano: Judith Nelson; Alto: Daniel Taylor; Tenor: Benjamin Butterfield; Bass: Kurt-Owen Richards; American Bach Soloists (no choir); Jeffrey Thomas conducting.
Giovanni Bellini, Resurrection of Christ, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, 1475-79
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Easter Oratorio, BWV 248.
Performance of Soprano: Kimberly McCord; Alto: Robin Blaze; Tenor: Paul Agnew; Bass: Neal Davies; Gabrieli Consort and Players; Paul McCreesh conducting. Recorded at Ev.-Luth. Kirche, Brand-Erbisdorf (Saxony), Germany.
Performance of Emily van Evera, soprano; Caroline Trevor, alto; Charles Daniels, tenor; David Thomas, bass; Taverner Consort & Players; Andrew Parrott conducting.
Performance of Agnès Mellon, soprano; Andreas Scholl, countertenor; Mark Padmore, tenor; Peter Kooy, bass; Collegium Vocale, Gent; Philippe Herreweghe conducting.
Performance of Soprano: Joanne Lunn; Alto: Elisabeth Jansson; Tenor: Jan Kobow; Bass: Gotthold Schwarz; Kammerchor Stuttgart / Barockorchester Stuttgart; Frieder Bernius conducting.
Eugène Burnand, Les disciples Pierre et Jean courant au Sépulcre le matin de la Résurrection, Musée d'Orsay, Paris, 1898