Francisco Zurburan, The Lamb of God, San Diego Museum of Art, 1635-40
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth;
like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before
its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth [NRSV, Isaiah 53:7].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 21, 2012
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.

Arthur Wills
The organ voluntaries at Choral Eucharist this coming Sunday are both the work of Arthur Wills.
Music of Arthur Wills on [YouTube].
The Naxos Music Library makes available for online listening the entire disc, Wondrous Machine, organ music by Arthur Wills, performed by Jeremy Filsell at the 1995 Marcussen organ of the Tonbridge School [BNQ] [BM] (info)
Photo by Stephanie Felkai
Jonathan Bailey - flute
David Henkelman - harpsichord
Flûte et
Moderne et Baroque
Flute and Harpsichord
Hinchliffe - The Elements
L Berkeley - Sonatina, Op 13
JS Bach - Suite in B minor, BWV 1067
Christ Church Cathedral
635 St. Catherine West
Saturday, October 20, 2012
4:30 pm
Admission free - donation requested
Prepare for the concert by listening online to:
R. Hinchliffe, The Elements, performed by Ahmed Al Ghanem, flute; Dana Smith, piano [YouTube]
L. Berkeley, Sonatina, Op. 13, performed by Paul Michell, flute; Stephen Walter, piano [YouTube]
Johann Sebastian Bach, Suite in B Minor, BWV 1067, performed by Ton Koopman and The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra [YouTube]
Drawing of Igor Stravinsky by Picasso, 1920
The Cathedral Choirs Fundraiser, Friday, November 2, at 7:30 pm, Christ Church Cathedral, will celebrate the work of Igor Stravinsky.
Berceuse and Finale of L'Oiseau de feu, performed by Patrick Wedd, organ.
Duo Concertant, performed by Andrew Beer, violin; and Janelle Fung, piano.
Mass, performed by The Cathedral Choirs and wind ensemble.
Entrance includes wine and cheese reception: $25; Seniors: $20; students: $10.
Tickets are available at the concert and at:
The Word, 469 rue Milton
The Word, 469 rue Milton
Cathedral office, 1444 avenue Union
Information : 514-843-6577
Prepare for the concert by listening online to:
The entire L'Oiseau de feu, transcribed for organ, is made available for free online listening by the Naxos Music Library, performance by Pierre Pincemaille at the Danion-Gonzalez organ of the Maison Radio-France, Paris. [BNQ] [BM] (info)
Duo Concertant, performed by Carl Seemann, piano; and Wolfgang Schneiderhan, violin [musicMe]
Mass, performed by The Saint Anthony Singers and The English Chamber Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis conducting. [musicMe]
1990 Guilbault-Thérien, Opus 35, organ of the Grand Séminaire, Montreal
Le FESTIVAL DES COULEURS de l'orgue français
18th season, autumn 2012
The Sundays of October 2012 at 3:00 pm
October 21: Jean-Willy Kunz
October 28: Jean-Luc Perrot
The recitals are free, thanks to the support of Rona.
The Chapel of the Grand Séminaire du Montréal
2065 Sherbrooke Ouest
Guy-Concordia, autobus 24)
Performance by Georges Delvallée on the 3-manual 1888 Puget organ of Nôtre Dame de la Dalbade, Toulouse
Click for the entire performance of L'Orgue mystique by Georges Delvallée.
Bach Cantatas for the 20th Sunday after Trinity:
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Peasant Wedding, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, c. 1567
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Ich geh und suche mit verlangen / I go and seek with longing, Cantata 49, with performances by Coin, Gardiner, Haselböck, Harnoncourt and Leusink.
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Ach! ich sehe, Itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe / Ah! I see, now, as I go to the wedding, Cantata 162, with performances by Harnoncourt, Koopman and Leusink.
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele /Adorn yourself, O dear soul, Cantata 180, with performances by Coin, Leonhardt, Leusink and Lutz.