The Good Shepherd, Museo Pio Cristiano, Vatican, 4th cent.
will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they
shall not fear any longer, or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing,
says the Lord [NRSV, Jeremiah 23:4].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Reign of Christ
Kenneth Leighton is the featured composer this coming Sunday at Choral Evensong. Listen to a variety of works by Kenneth Leighton (unidentified performances).
Suite "Veris Gratia" - IV. Epilogue: Sostenuto Ma Con Moto [listen]
Rockingham: Choral Prelude on 'When I survey the wondrous Cross' [listen]
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Collegium Magdalenae Oxoniense' ● Magnificat [listen]
Veni creator spiritus [listen]
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Collegium Magdalenae Oxoniense' ● Nunc Dimittis [listen]
Give me the wings of faith [listen]
An Easter Sequence ● Communion (for 2nd Sunday after Easter) [listen]
An Easter Sequence ● Sortie (Antiphon, 1st Vespers of Ascension) [listen]
Crucifixus Pro Nobis, Op.38 ● Christ in the garden [listen]
Six Studies [listen]
Crucifixus Pro Nobis, Op.38 ● Christ in his passion [listen]
An Easter Sequence ● Offertory (for 1st Sunday after Easter) [listen]
Crucifixus Pro Nobis, Op.38 ● Christ in the cradle [listen]
What love is this of thine [listen]
The Second Service, Op.62 ● Nunc Dimittis [listen]
The Second Service, Op.62 ● Magnificat [listen]
An Easter Sequence ● Gradual (for 1st Sunday after Easter) [listen]
Click to go to a number of works by Kenneth Leighton on YouTube.
Saturday 23rd November 2013
4:30 pm
Ste-Catherine / University (Métro McGill)
Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal
Freewill donation
Duo Rêverie
flûte &
harpe celtique
Hannah Roberts Brockow, Celtic harp
Jonathan Bailey, flute
The World hears the Message
Es ist ein Ros Entsprungen
O Come, O Come Emmanuel / Let all Mortal Flesh Keep
Veni, Redemptor gencium / Redeemer of the Nations Come
O Sanctissima
Mary hears the Message
Sweet was the Song the Virgin Sang
Basque Carol (The Angel Gabriel)
The Shepherds hear the
Angels’ Message
Cold December Winds
Nowell Sing We / Noël Nouvelet
Angelus ad Virginem / Besançon Carol (Berger, secoue)
/ The Angels and the Shepherds
Salten y Ballen /
Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabella
What Child is This?
Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day
Click to go to a two-hour programme of the choral and organ music of Benjamin Britten on Pipedreams (PBS).

McGill University Noon-Hour Organ Recital Series
The Wolff organ of Redpath Hall - Admission Free
Mark McDonald and Adrian Foster of the Cathedral music programme will perform on November 29 and December 6. See below.
Fridays from November 1 to December 6 at 12:30 pm
November 22: William Porter

November 29: Mark McDonald

December 6: Mark McDonald, Adrian Foster, Jonathan Vromet
Click to go to Bach Cantatas for Online Listening.
Bach Cantata 70 for the 26th Sunday after Trinity:
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Wachet! betet! betet! wachet! / Watch! Pray! Pray! Watch!, Cantata 70, with performances by Harnoncourt, Koopman, Leusink, Richter, and Rilling.