Moscow School, John the Baptist, The State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin, 1560s
This is the one about whom it is written, 'See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you [NRSV,Matthew 11:10].'
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Third Sunday of Advent
The organ prelude for all three services this coming Sunday is Sleepers Awake by Johann Sebastian Bach. Click for a number of different interpretations of Johann Sebastian Bach, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 (Sleepers Awake).
1972 Vierdag organ, Bethlehemkerk, The Hague
Click to read about the Advent Prose to be sung at evensong this coming Sunday, as well as read about the Introit of the Roman Mass for the 4th Sunday of Advent and listen to a number of musical selections.
1972 Vierdag organ, Bethlehemkerk, The Hague
El Greco, Annunciation, Colección Santander Central Hispano, Madrid, 1608-14
Click to read about the Advent Prose to be sung at evensong this coming Sunday, as well as read about the Introit of the Roman Mass for the 4th Sunday of Advent and listen to a number of musical selections.
Carols with the Bishop
Come for an informal sing-a-long with Bishop Barry at the cathedral on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 1pm.
Come for an informal sing-a-long with Bishop Barry at the cathedral on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 1pm.
George Frideric Handel, Messiah
The Annual Handel's Messiah Sing-along will take place at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday, December 14, 5:00 pm, with the Cathedral Singers and orchestra, Patrick Wedd directing. Soloists: Sinead White, soprano; Ghislaine Deschambault, mezzo-soprano; Kevin Myers, tenor; and Jean-Sebastien Kennedy, baritone. Scores will be available. Free admission / voluntary contribution of $10 suggested.
2011 video performance by the Trinity Church (Wall Street) Choir with the Trinity Baroque Orchestra, Julian Wachner, conductor. [listen]
2011 video performance by the Trinity Church (Wall Street) Choir with the Trinity Baroque Orchestra, Julian Wachner, conductor. [listen]
Click to read about Messiah with access to a number of free online performances.

Messiaen's La Nativité du Seigneur performed by Jennifer Bate, Olivier Latry, and Simon Preston (Click on name.)
Charles Tournemire, L'orgue mystique: Nativity Cycle, Op. 56: No.1
Performance by Georges Delvallée on the 1880 Cavaillé-Coll organ in the Cathedral of Saint-Croix, Orléans
Mass of the 3rd Sunday of Advent
Mass of the 3rd Sunday of Advent
George Philipp Telemann
There are no extant Bach Cantatas for the Third Sunday of Advent. The music for BWV 186a is lost and BWV 141 is now usually attributed to Georg Philipp Telemann. [complete text]
The Naxos Music Library (info) makes available for free online listening Georg Philipp Telemann, Das ist je gewisslich wahr, BWV 141, mvt 1, performance of Willam Wright; the Elmer Iseler Singers; and the Mainly Mozart Orchestra, Elmer Iseler conducting. [BNQ] [BM] (info)
Mvts 1 and 2 performed by Henning Kaiser, tenor;
Alsfelder Vokalensemble; I Febiarmonici; Wolfgang Helbich conducting [YouTube]
Das ist je gewißlich wahr und ein theuer werthes Wort,
The Naxos Music Library (info) makes available for free online listening Georg Philipp Telemann, Das ist je gewisslich wahr, BWV 141, mvt 1, performance of Willam Wright; the Elmer Iseler Singers; and the Mainly Mozart Orchestra, Elmer Iseler conducting. [BNQ] [BM] (info)
Mvts 1 and 2 performed by Henning Kaiser, tenor;
Alsfelder Vokalensemble; I Febiarmonici; Wolfgang Helbich conducting [YouTube]
Das ist je gewißlich wahr und ein theuer werthes Wort,
That is indeed is certainly true and a most precious word
Daß Christus Jesus kommen ist in die Welt,
that Christ Jesus has come into the world
Sünder selig zu machen.
to make sinners blessed.
Daß Christus Jesus kommen ist in die Welt,
that Christ Jesus has come into the world
Sünder selig zu machen.
to make sinners blessed.
Jesus ist der Menschen Heil.
Jesus is the salvation of mankind
Doch wer dieses will genießen,
but whoever wishes to enjoy this
muß sich wahrlich auch entschließen,
must decide sincerely for himself
ohne falschen Heuchelschein
without false hypocrisy
ihm alleine treu zu sein,
to trust in him alone,
sonst wird ihm dies nicht zu Theil. otherwise he shall have no share in this.
Jesus is the salvation of mankind
Doch wer dieses will genießen,
but whoever wishes to enjoy this
muß sich wahrlich auch entschließen,
must decide sincerely for himself
ohne falschen Heuchelschein
without false hypocrisy
ihm alleine treu zu sein,
to trust in him alone,
sonst wird ihm dies nicht zu Theil. otherwise he shall have no share in this.