Raffaello Sanzio, Study For St Paul Preaching In Athens
Proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. [NRSV, 2 Timothy 4:2].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Healey Willan
The organ voluntaries for Choral Evensong this coming Sunday are two movements from Healey Willan, A Fugal Trilogy.
Listen to Aria, from the second movement, performed by Patrick Wedd, on the 1915-16 Cassavant organ of L'Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Montreal [BNQ; BM] (info).
Listen to the entire work performed virtually on samples from the 1877 Father Willis organ of Salisbury Cathedral, accompanied by interesting comments:

The 2013 Cathedral Choirs Fundraiser, Friday, November 8, at 7:30 pm, Christ Church Cathedral, will celebrate the work of Benjamin Britten who was born 100 years ago.
Te Deum in C: Carole Therrien, soprano; Adrian Foster, organ
Jubilate in C: Alex Ross, organ
Missa Brevis in D: Carole Therrien, Catherine St-Arnaud, sopranos
Prelude to “They walk alone”: Patrick Wedd, organ
Rejoice in the Lamb: Carole Therrien, soprano; Anna Lewton-Brain, alto; Loic Paulin, tenor; Normand Richard, bass; Adrian Foster, organ
Prelude and Fugue on a Theme of Vittoria: Patrick Wedd, organ
A Ceremony of Carols: Olga Gross, harp
Entrance includes wine and cheese reception: $35; Seniors: $25; students: $15.
Entrance includes wine and cheese reception: $35; Seniors: $25; students: $15.
Tickets are available at the concert and at:
The Word, 469 rue Milton
Cathedral office, 1444 avenue Union
Information : 514-843-6577
Prepare for the concert by reading about the pieces and listening to a variety of online performances.
The Ceremony of Carols
1990 Guilbault-Thérien, Opus 35, organ of the Grand Séminaire, Montreal
Le FESTIVAL DES COULEURS de l'orgue français
19th season
Sundays of October 2013 at 3:00 pm
October 20: Denis Gagné
October 27: Yves-G. Préfontaine
The recitals are free, thanks to the support of Rona.
The Chapel of the Grand Séminaire de Montréal
2065 Sherbrooke West
(Métro Guy-Concordia, autobus 24)
Performance by Georges Delvallée on the 3-manual 1888 Puget organ of Nôtre Dame de la Dalbade, Toulouse
Mass of the 22th Sunday after Pentecost, Op. 56, No. 50:
Prelude for the Introit [YouTube]
Alleluiatic Postlude [YouTube]
Il Veronese, The Centurion before Christ, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, 1581-82
Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantatas for the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity performed by the Holland Boys Choir and the Netherlands Bach Collegium, Pieter Jan Leusink conducting.
Cantata 38: Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir / From deep affliction I cry out to you
Cantata 98: Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan [I] / What God does , that is done well
Cantata 109: Ich glaube, lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben! / I believe, dear Lord, help my unbelief!
Cantata 188: Ich habe meine Zuversicht / I have placed my confidence