Vincent van Gogh, The Mulberry Tree, Norton Simon Museum, 1889
The Lord replied, "If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you. [NRSV, Luke 17:6].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Randall Giles
The anthems and canticles for
evensong this coming sunday are the work of Randall
Sixteen Songs by Randall Giles with Lyrics and MP3 downloads.
Sixteen Songs by Randall Giles with Lyrics and MP3 downloads.
To You O Champion Leader / Remember your servants from the Ballad of the
Death of the Mother of the Jugovici 
Cappella Romana, Portland, Oregon
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Cappella Romana, Portland, Oregon
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Solis Ortus Cardine/From East to West
Choir of the Community of Jesus, Orleans, Massachusetts
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Choir of the Community of Jesus, Orleans, Massachusetts
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mortal mind can grasp God?s ways
Hymn by Janine Appelgate
Choir of the Community of Jesus, Orleans, Massachusetts
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Hymn by Janine Appelgate
Choir of the Community of Jesus, Orleans, Massachusetts
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Three Motets and a chorale from St
John Passion
I Cantori, Los Angeles; UCSD New Music Ensemble
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Motet: quia id quod accidit
Motet: Atolite Portas, principes, vestras
Motet: Vinea mea electa
I Cantori, Los Angeles; UCSD New Music Ensemble
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Motet: quia id quod accidit

Motet: Atolite Portas, principes, vestras

Motet: Vinea mea electa


with me, fast falls the eventide
Hymn by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847)
Dorland Mountain 10 10 10 10
Pittsburg Compline Choir
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Hymn by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847)
Dorland Mountain 10 10 10 10
Pittsburg Compline Choir
view lyrics
Performance by Georges Delvallée on the 3-manual 1888 Puget organ of Nôtre Dame de la Dalbade, Toulouse
Click for the entire performance of L'Orgue mystique by Georges Delvallée.
Healing of the Paralytic, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 16th cent.
Bach Cantatas for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity:
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Wo soll ich fliehen hin / Where shall I refuge find, Cantata 5, with performances by Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Leusink, Marriner, Richter, and Rilling.
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erlösen /Miserable man that I am,
Cantata 48, with performances by Gardiner, Gershensohn, Harnoncourt, Leusink and Suzuki.
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen / I would gladly bear the cross-beam, Cantata 56, with performances by Baumgartner, Gardiner, Kavakos, Koopman, Leonhardt, Leusink, Marriner, Norrington, Richter, Rifkin, Rilling and Ristenpart.