The Nativity of Our Lord
1) The Music Programme Homepage
Bogoróditse dyévo, raduisya,
Virgin Mother of God,
Click here for The First Day of Christmas (the others to follow).
Christ Church Anglican Cathedral is located in the heart of downtown Montreal, Quebec, at the corner of Robert-Bourassa and St Catherine
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Click to read about Gaspard Corrette.
A Performance of Gaspard Corrette, Messe du 8e ton pour l'orgue à l'usage des dames religieuses by Yves-G. Préfontaine on the Tribuot organ of the Church of Saint Martin, Seurre (France). [NML] (Click here for info.)
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.The Third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday after the opening word of the introit (text) (listen) of the Latin Roman Mass. This Sunday the introit will be sung in plainsong.
The Communion motet, also in plainsong, is the gradual (text)for the Latin Roman Mass of the Vigil (June 23) of the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
Book of Kells, Trinity College, Dublin, 7th-8th cent.
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming) appears in a variety of forms in last Sunday's Procession of Carols and Lessons and the upcoming Sunday's evensong.
Click to read about Es ist ein Ros entsprungen and listen to several organ and sung versions.
Click to read about Messiah and access a number of different performances.
"O" Antiphons are an important element in Advent liturgy since the ninth century. A number of them will be sung in plainchant during this year's Procession of Carols and Lessons for Advent.
"O" by Eric Gill
Click to read about "O" Antiphons and listen to them in plainchant sung by the Dominican students of Blackfriars, Oxford, as well as versions by Healey Willan and Arvo Pärt.
Click to read about Messiah and access a number of different performances.
This year the Advent Procession of Lessons and Carols will take place on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, December 7, at 4:00 pm.
Agnolo Bronzino, St. John the Baptist, Galleria Borghese, Rome, 1550-55
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.
Click to read about Orlando Gibbons and to hear his version, sung by the Clerkes of Oxenford, David Wulstan conducting (text).
Orlando Gibbons
Click again for the canticles for evensong: Orlando Gibbons, Second Service. Unfortunately the organ voluntaries by Stanford are not available for online listening.
Sir Charles Villers Stanford
Patrick Wedd will perform Olivier Messiaen, Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité.
To prepare, listen to: Jennifer Bate, Oliver Latry, Dame Gillian Weir.
St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue has online excellent programme notes. Click here, then go to page 23 for the comments on Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité.
These programme notes accompany John Scott's Messiaen recitals at St. Thomas. Click here to listen online.
ATMA Classique is releasing a Messiaen disc on Tuesday, November 18: Fête des belles eaux and Feuillets Inédits performed by Louis Bessette, piano; and L'Ensemble d'ondes de Montréal.
Click to read about and listen to a performance of Fête des belles eaux (artists unknown).
Click for a YouTube version of the 4ème Feuillet inédit played by Jean-François Zygel (piano) and Thomas Bloch (ondes Martenot).
McGill Autumn Noon-Hour Organ Recital Series
The Wolff organ of Redpath Hall - Admission Free
Friday, November 21: Eduoardo Bellotti (Milan). Works by Old Italian Masters.