Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Click to go immediately to:
3) The Concert Calendar
Arthur Wills, Missa brevis, is the Mass setting for this coming Sunday. Click to read about Arthur Wills and listen to a wide variety of his choral and organ music, including the Missa brevis.
Click for the calendar of organ recitals, all of which are free admission/voluntary contribution.
2009 Commemoration: the 350th anniversary of the birth of Henry Purcell (1659-1695).
Click to go to the Analekta disc, Henry Purcell: Here let my Life, with a variety of Purcell music, including The Moor's Revenge, as well as Matthias Maute, Concerto pour la mort de Henry Purcell. Performance by James Bowman, Daniel Taylor and the Theatre of Early Music. Complete text available.
Click to go to Vladimir Godár, Stabat Mater dolorosa, performed by Iva Bittová, alto, and the ensemble Solamente Naturali, Marek Štryncl conducting.