Andrea Mantegna, Presentation, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, 1460Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Presentation in the Temple
February 1, 2009
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1) The Music Programme Homepage2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong3) The Concert Calendar.
The Presentation in the Temple
As the angel of destruction passed over the houses of Israel, the first-born son of every Hebrew family was spared. From then on, in every generation, the first-born son belonged especially to the Lord and had to be to be purchased back, for the poor by a pair of turtle-doves or pigeons.
Thus the Introit for Choral Eucharist this coming Sunday, the anticipated Feast of the Presentation:
Today the Blessed Virgin Mary presented the child Jesus in the Temple;
and Simeon, full of the Holy Spirit, took Him in his arms,
and blessed God, and said: Now dismiss your servant depart in peace.
William Byrd, Hodie beata virgo [text], performed by The Cardinall's Music, Andrew Carwood conducting [listen].
In the Communion anthem, Simeon takes the infant Jesus in his arms:
The old man carried the child,but the child ruled the old man;him whom the Virgin brought forth,and after childbirth remained a virgin,him whom she bore, she adored.
William Byrd, Senex puerum portabat [text], performed by The Cardinall's Music, Andrew Carwood conducting [listen].
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina carries these themes over into evensong:
Hodie beata virgo, performed by Choir of King's College, Cambridge; David Willcocks conducting [listen];
Senex puerum portabat, performed by Choir of King's College, Cambridge; David Willcocks conducting [listen].
Simeon's prayer is clearly announced in the canticle of evensong as it is every evening:
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace: according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen: thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared: before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles: and to be the glory of thy people Israel.
Charles Villiers Stanford, Nunc dimittis in G, performed by Timothy Jones, bass; Choir of St. Paul's (London); John Scott conducting [listen]. (scratchy)
Charles Villiers Stanford, Nunc dimittis in G, performed by the Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge, Christopher Robinson conducting. [NML]
The organ voluntaries at Choral Eucharist and evensong echo the Nunc dimittis:
Johann Sebastian Bach, Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 616 [Chorale text], performed by James Kibbie, 1717 Trost organ of St. Walpurgis, Großengottern, Germany [listen];
Johann Sebastian Bach, Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV 617 [Chorale text], performed by James Kibbie, 1724-30 Trost organ of the Stadtkirche “Zur Gotteshilfe,” Waltershausen, Germany [listen];
Marcel Dupré, 79 Chorales for organ, Op. 28, No. 74, "How beauteous beams the morning star" [Chorale text], performed by Ben van Oosten on the 1915 Casavant organ of St-Jean-Baptiste, Montreal [listen];
Marcel Dupré, 6 Antiphons for Christmastide, Op. 48/6 "Lumen ad revelationem" [text], performed by Ben van Oosten on the 1915 Casavant organ of St-Jean-Baptiste, Montreal [listen].
McGill Autumn Noon-Hour Organ Recital Series
The Wolff organ of Redpath Hall - Admission FreeFridays from January 30 to March 20 at 12:30 pm
Friday, January 30: Federico Andreoni, works by Frescobaldi, J.S. Bach, Cabanilles, de Arauxo, Morandi, Moretti, D'Anglebert.
Friday, February 6: Jonathan Oldengarm.
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 158, for the Feast of the Presentation, performed by Boy Soprano: Christoph Wegmann (Soloist of the Tölzer Knabenchor); Bass: Max van Egmond; Tölzer Knabenchor (Chorus Master: Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden) & Collegium Vocale Gent (Chorus Master: Philippe Herreweghe) / Leonhardt-Consort; Gustav Leonhardt conducting.
Musica Orbium, directed by Patrick Wedd
Joins with Concerto della Donna, directed by Iwan Edwards, and the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal, directed by Christopher Jackson
In a benefit gala in support of La Scena Musicale on Saturday, February 14, 2009, at 8:00 pm, in Pollack Hall.
Scroll down to listen to a variety of renditions of the songs to be sung at this Benefit Gala.
to learn about [NML] and [CML] and where they lead.

Click to hear Johannes Brahms, Minnelied [Holder klingt der Vogelsang], Op. 71/5 [text] performed by Giovanni Millo.

Orlande de Lassus, Bonjour mon coeur [text ]
Performance by the Landesjugenchor Sachsen [listen]
Performance by the Romanian Madrigal Choir, Marin Constantin conducting [listen]
Performance by Lirium [listen]
Performance by The Scholars of London [NML]

George Shearing, Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare
Live with me and be my love [text]
Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen]
Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML]
When daffodils begin to peer [text]
Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen]Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML]It was a lover and his lass [text]
Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen]
Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML](Click for Ward Swingle's version sung by the New Swingle Singers.)
Spring [text] Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen]
Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML]
Who is Sylvia? [text]
Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen ]
Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML]
Fie on sinful fantasy [text]
Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen ]
Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML]
Hey, ho, the wind and the rain [text ]
Performance by The Exultate Singers, John Tuttle conducting [listen ]
Performance by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting [programme notes] [NML]

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, The Canticle of Canticles
Introduxit me Rex [text]:
Performance by Pro Cantione Antiqua, Bruno Turner conducting [listen]
Performance by The Hilliard Ensemble, Paul Hilliard conducting [CML]
Performance by La Capella Ducale (Venice), Livio Picotti conducting [NML]
Performance by the Palestrina Ensemble (Munich), Venanz Schubert conducting [NML]
Vox dilecti mei [text]
Performance by Pro Cantione Antiqua, Bruno Turner conducting [listen ]
Performance by The Hilliard Ensemble, Paul Hilliard conducting [CML] Performance by La Capella Ducale (Venice), Livio Picotti conducting [NML]
Performance by The Song Company, Roland Peelman conducting [NML]
Surge, propera, amica mea [text]
Performance by Pro Cantione Antiqua, Bruno Turner conducting [listen] Performance by The Hilliard Ensemble, Paul Hilliard conducting [CML] Performance by The Cardinall's Music, Andrew Carwood conducting [CML]
Performance by La Capella Ducale (Venice), Livio Picotti conducting [NML]
Performance by the Palestrina Ensemble (Munich), Venanz Schubert conducting [NML]
Click to hear Tomás Luis de Victoria, Vidi speciosam, performed by the Choir of Westminster Cathedral; David Hill, Master of the Music. [text] [cover notes] Performance of Tomás Luis de Victoria, Vidi speciosam, by the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal, Christopher Jackson conducting. [NML] [CML]
Performance of Tomás Luis de Victoria, Vidi speciosam, by The Sixteen, Harry Christophers conducting. [NML] [CML] Performance of Tomás Luis de Victoria, Vidi speciosam, by The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter conducting. [NML]
Click to hear Giovanni Gabrieli, Lieto godea sedendo (Joy fills my heart), performed by The King's Consort, Robert King conducting.