The Last Sunday after Epiphany (Transfiguration Sunday)
February 22, 2009
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Julien Tribuot organ, St Martin, Suerre
Click to learn about the French baroque organ Mass and listen to Gaspard Corrette, Gloria, from La Messe du 8ème ton pour l'orgue à l'usage des dames religieuses, performed by the Chantres du Roy alternating verses with Yves Préfontaine playing the 1699 Julien Tribuot organ of l'église de St-Martin, Seurre (France). Yves Préfontaine is the titular of the 1990 Guilbault-Thérien organ of the Grand Séminaire de Montréal. O Nata Lux de Lumine, O Light begotten of Light, is a hymn from the Office of the Feast of the Transfiguration.
Click to go to versions by Peter the Venerable, Thomas Tallis and Morten Lauridsen.
Fra Angelico, Transfiguration, Convento di San Marco, Florence, 1440- Click to go to Peter the Venerable, Chants for the Office of the Transfiguration, read about the Transfiguration, Peter the Venerable and listen to the recording by the Ensemble Venance Fortunat, Anne-Marie Deschamps, conducting.
The Abbot of Cluny (Peter the Venerable?) with the Virgin and Child

All of the organ voluntaries this coming Sunday, February 22, are by Olivier Messiaen. The theme of the liturgy is the Transfiguration so it is also the moment to revisit Olivier Messiaen's La Transfiguration.
Click to read about Olivier Messiaen, La Transfiguration, including Nigel Simeone's account of the work's creation, and listen to a performance, with Latin text and translation, by the Westminster Symphonic Choir and the National Symphony Orchestra (Yvonne Loriod, piano), Anatol Dorati conducting.

Click to go to Cantata 22 performed by Alto: Paul Esswood; Tenor: Kurt Equiluz; Bass: Max van Egmond; Tölzer Knabenchor (Chorus Master: Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden) & King's College Choir Cambridge (Chorus Master: David Willcocks) / Leonhardt-Consort, Gustav Leonhardt conducting.
Gerard David, Transfiguration, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Bruges, Belgium