Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
February 8, 2009
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.

The Mass setting for this coming Sunday, February 8, at Christ Church Cathedral, will by Cristóbal de Morales, Missa super Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la.
Click to listen to Cristóbal de Morales, Magnificat, motets and Lamentations performed by The Brabant Ensemble, Stephen Rice conducting.

Musica Orbium, directed by Patrick Wedd
Joins with Concerto della Donna, directed by Iwan Edwards, and the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal, directed by Christopher Jackson,
In a benefit gala in support of La Scena Musicale on Saturday, February 14, 2009, at 8:00 pm, in Pollack Hall.
In a benefit gala in support of La Scena Musicale on Saturday, February 14, 2009, at 8:00 pm, in Pollack Hall.
Click to go to last week’s Choir Notes and then scroll down to listen to a variety of renditions of the songs to be sung at this Benefit Gala.
McGill Autumn Noon-Hour Organ Recital Series
The Wolff organ of Redpath Hall - Admission Free
Fridays from January 30 to March 20 at 12:30 pm
Friday, February 6: Jonathan Oldengarm.
Friday, February 13: Jean-Willy Kunz

Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 78 performed by Soprano: Catherine Bott; Counter-tenor: Daniel Taylor; Tenor: Jeffrey Thomas; Bass: William Sharp; American Bach Soloists (Choir & Orchestra); Jeffrey Thomas conducting; Recorded at St. Stephen's Church, Belvedere, CA, USA