Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
First Sunday of Lent
March 1, 2009
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.
2009 Commemoration: 200th anniversay of the birth of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47)

All four organ voluntaries this coming Sunday, March 1, are by Felix Mendelssohn, as will be all of the organ voluntaries during Lent.
Click to go to a two-hour programme of Mendelssohn organ music on Pipedreams. Notice the access to three other programmes as well.
Those with access to Naxos Music Library (Cardholders of la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec and members of "Beethoven on Demand" among others [info]) may listen online to Felix Mendelssohn, Organ Sonatas, Op. 65, performed by Stephen Tharp. [[NML]; or performed by Michael Dudman [NML]. The organ voluntaries for the upcoming evensong, Sunday, March1, are from the Organ Sonata No. 6 in d, Op. 65.

Click to listen to Stabat Mater in Gregorian chanted by monks of the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Ganagobie.
Giotto di Bondone, Crucifixion
Another 2009 Commemoration: The 250 aniversary of the death of George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

Along with an amazing output of all sorts of music, Handel composed what is generally agreed to be 14 organ concerti, originally played by Handel himself as interludes for his oratorios.
Analekta has released 4 discs covering all 14 organ concerti performed by Quebec organists on antique Quebec organs with the accompaniment of the Ensemble Carl Philipp, Jean-François Rivest conducting. Extensive programme notes covering the music and the organs are available.
Click to hear Genevieve Soly perform in Op. 4, No. 3, in G minor; No. 14, in A major; Op. 4, No. 6, in B flat minor; and No. 13 in F major, "The Cukoo and the Nightingale;" on the Warren organ of St. Stephen's Anglican Church in Chambly, Quebec.
Click to hear Denis Bédard perform Op.7, No.6, in B flat major; Op.7, No.4, in D minor; Op.7, No.2, in A major; and No.16 in F major; on the Warren organ of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Frelighsburg, Quebec.
Click to hear Dom André Laberge, O.S.B., perform No.15 in D minor; Op.4 No.1, in G minor; Op.7 No.3, in B flat major; and Op.7 No.1 in B flat major; on the Warren organ of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Frelighsburg, Quebec.
Click to hear Robert Girard perform Op.4, No.2, in B flat major; Op.7, No.5, in G minor; Op. 4, No.5, in F major; and Op.4, No.4, in F major; on the Déry organ of l'Église Saint-Roch in Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Quebec.

Click for details and the programme.
McGill Autumn Noon-Hour Organ Recital Series
The Wolff organ of Redpath Hall - Admission Free
Fridays from January 30 to March 20 at 12:30 pm
Friday, February 27: No Recital Announced
Friday, March 6: John Grew