Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
The Fifth Sunday of Easter
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar.
Evensong this coming Sunday, May 10, will feature music composed by Patrick Wedd (two anthems: The Throne of God [text] and A Song to the Lamb [text], as well the psalm tone) and Donald Hunt (Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis).
2009 Commemoration: The 250 aniversary of the death of George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

Click read about George Frideric Handel, his residence at Cannons, home of James Brydges, 1st Duke of Chandos, and the Chandos Anthems.
Click to go to George Frideric Handel, O Sing Unto The Lord (Chandos Anthem 4, HWV 249b), performed by Helen Boatwright, soprano; Charles Bressler, tenor; The Collegium Musicum of Rutgers University; Alfred Mann conducting.
Simon Cummings, the young British Composer, has posted a performance of Olivier Messiaen, Les Trois Petites Liturgies, on his blog to commemorate Messiaen's birthday on April 27: Performance by Fredrik Burstedt, violin; Christine Ott, ondes martenot; Martin Virin, celesta; Martin Sturfalt, piano; String Orchestra of the Royal College of Music, Stockholm; Women's Voices of the Katarina Chamber Chorus; Fable Percussion Quartet: Pontus Langendorf, Tomas Lindberg, Mikael Nilsson, Ulf Stromqvist; Hans Vainikainen conducting (Click here).
Click to go to the two previously posted performances (Bath Festival and L'Ensemble instrumental de Grenoble) as well as to read about this third performance and to download it.
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 134, performed by alto: René Jacobs; tenor: Marius van Altena; Knabenchor Hannover (Chorus Master-Heinz Hennig) & Collegium Vocale Gent (Chorus Master-Philippe Herreweghe) / Leonhardt-Consort; Gustav Leonhardt conducting.
Click to go to George Frideric Handel, O Sing Unto The Lord (Chandos Anthem 4, HWV 249b), performed by Helen Boatwright, soprano; Charles Bressler, tenor; The Collegium Musicum of Rutgers University; Alfred Mann conducting.

Click to go to the two previously posted performances (Bath Festival and L'Ensemble instrumental de Grenoble) as well as to read about this third performance and to download it.