For thus says the LORD: Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and raise shouts for the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, "Save, O LORD, your people, the remnant of Israel (NRSV, Jeremiah 31:7)."
Christ Church Cathedral Choir NotesTwenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar
We are delighted to welcome the women and girls of the St. Cecilia Choir of Grace Church on-the-Hill, Toronto, and their Director of Music Melva Graham to sing Choral Eucharist and Evensong. It is always a pleasure to celebrate our sister parishes where music’s contribution to worship is valued.

The postlude for Choral Eucharist this coming Sunday is Marcel Dupré, Sortie. Click to listen to his Way of the Cross performed by Ton van Eck on the 1736 Picard organ of the Basilica of Saint Servatius in Maastricht.
Banquet céleste
The Choirs of Christ Church Cathedral invite you to a feast of contemporary sacred music, Banquet céleste, reflecting the spiritual in the heart of the city, on Friday, October 23rd, at 8:00 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral, 635 St. Catherine Street West (McGill Metro). Tickets: $20 adult; $15 students/seniors; $40 including reserved seating and wine and cheese reception. Information: (514) 843-6577.Banquet céleste reveals the ability of sacred music to be both rooted in contemporary life and to give voice to the spiritual concerns of our time. It also celebrates the work of composers who have been inspired by the Cathedral and the great tradition of cathedral music. The concert includes a Toccata by Lynnwood Farnam, cast in the grand French style; a motet by his eulogist, Healey Willan; and John Burge’s melodic and moving Missa Brevis du Banquet céleste, which draws on the English cathedral tradition. It presents work by the Cathedral’s own Patrick Wedd, Director of Music, whose anthem, The Throne of God, was inspired by the text carved around the exterior of the Cathedral. The evening will also showcase work by young composers who are creating sacred music for the 21st century. Robin Davies, Jonathan Wild and Donald Hunt, are renewing, in very different ways, the tradition of cathedral music through work that expresses the conflicts, complexity and sheer energy of our time.
Programme for the Banquet céleste:
A Song to the Lamb Patrick Wedd
Missa ex machina Robin Davies
Gloria in excelsis
Agnus Dei
O King, to whom all things do live Healey Willan [text] [listen]
Responses and Lord’s Prayer Jonathan Wild
Magnificat Robin Davies
Toccata “O filii et filiae” Lynnwood Farnam [YouTube]
Magnificat Donald Hunt
Missa Brevis du Banquet céleste John Burge
Gloria in excelsis
Agnus Dei
The Throne of God Patrick Wedd
Festival des couleurs de l'orgue français
Chapel of the Grand Séminaire de Montréal
2065 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Sunday, October 25, 3 pm: Yves-G. Préfontaine
Admission Free.
Les Concerts Lachine: Frédéric Champion, organ (winner of the 2008 Canadian International Organ Competition)
Saint-Saëns, Widor, Robin, Florentz
Sunday, October 25, 3:30 pm
Free admission (Voluntary contribution)
Église des Saints-Anges
1400 boulevard St-Joseph, Lachine, QC
2009 Commemoration: 200th anniversay of the birth of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47)
Click to go to a performance of Felix Mendelssohn, Psalm 42, by Eiddwen Harrhy, soprano; La Chapelle royale; Collegium Vocale; Ensemble orchestral de Paris; Philippe Herreweghe conducting.
Click to go to a performance of Domenico Scarlatti, Stabat Mater dolorosa, by the Choir of King's College, Cambridge; Daniel Hyde, organist; Stephen Cleobury conducting.
Click to go to a performance of Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 80, for Reformation Sunday, by Soprano: Catherine Bott; Counter-tenor: Daniel Taylor; Tenor: Jeffrey Thomas; Bass: William Sharp; American Bach Soloists (Choir & Orchestra); Jeffrey Thomas conducting.