And Ahab said to Naboth, "Give me your vineyard, so that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near my house; I will give you a better vineyard for it; or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its value in money [NRSV, 1 Kings 21:2]."
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar

Summer in Montreal is an Organ Festival

Click to go to Frédéric Mistral, Lo Miserere, sung in Provençal (Occitan) by L'Ensemble vocal comtadin Monique Sarrade, Thibaut Plantevin conducting.

Click to go to a performance of Cantata 76 by
Soprano: Ruth Ziesak; Alto: Elisabeth von Magnus; Tenor: Paul Agnew; Bass: Klaus Mertens;
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir;
Ton Koopmanconducting. Recorded at Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam, Holland.
Soprano: Marjon Strijk; Alto: Sytse Buwalda; Tenor: Knut Schoch; Bass: Bas Ramselaar;
Pieter Jan Leusink conducting. Recorded at St. Nicolaschurch, Elburg, Holland.