I am appealing to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become during my imprisonment [NRSV, Philemon 1:10].
Christ Church Cathedral Choir NotesFifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar

YooKyung Rachelle Choi, organ scholar at Christ Church Cathedral, will be giving an organ recital at the cathedral on Saturday, September 11, at 5:00 pm. Admission free.
César Franck (1822-1890) Choral No. 3 in A minor
Eugène Gigout (1844-1925), Scherzo (No. 8) from Dix Pièces
Rachel Laurin (b. 1961), Étude hèroïque, op. 38

The organ voluntaries for evensong this coming Sunday, September 5, are from Johann Sebastian Bach, The Art of fugue.
A three-hour introduction to The Art of fugue by Michael Barone on Pipedreams with intrepretations by a variety of organists. [program one] [program two]
Performance of Johann Sebastian Bach, The Art of fugue, by Lionel Rogg on the 1965 Metzler/Andersen organ of St. Peter's Cathedral, Geneva. Included is Rogg's completion of the unfinished Contrapunctus 18. [listen]

John Stainer, God so loved the world, anthem for evensong this coming Sunday, September 5, is a movement of the oratorio, The Crucifixion..
Performance (with text) of the entire John Stainer, The Crucifixion, (1 hour, 7 minutes) by the Choir of Clare College; Stephen Farr, organ; James Gilchrist, tenor; Simon Bailey, bass; Timothy Brown conducting. (YouTube)

The Orgue et Couleurs autumn festival is from Friday, September 24, to Sunday, October 3. Click to go to the two-page programme listing all activities and ticket prices. Remember that from Monday, September 27, to Friday, October 1, there are free noon-hour organ recitals in a number of Montreal churches.

Click to go Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 25, with performances by Gardiner, Geiser, Harnoncourt, Koopman, Leusink and Suzuki.
Alexander Master, Leper Giving Thanks, Koninklijke Bibliotheek the Hague 1430