James Ensor, Christ's Entry into Brussels in 1889, Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 1888
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Passion / Palm Sunday
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Domenico Beccafumi, Trinity, Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena, 1513
Motets, three of them, based on the chant, Christus factus est, will be sung at services this coming Sunday and then repeated throughout Holy Week.
Christus factus est pro nobis obediens
usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis.
Propter quod et Deus exaltavit illum et dedit illi nomen, quod est super omne nomen.
Christ became obedient for us unto death,
even to the death, death on the cross.
Therefore God exalted Him and gave Him a name
which is above all names.
Le Christ s'est fait pour nous obéissant juqu'à la mort,
et à la mort de la croix.
C'est pourquoi Dieu l'a exalté, et lui a donné le Nom
qui est au-dessus de tout nom.
Click to read briefly about Christus factus est.
Gregorian performed by the Monastic Choir of St. Pierre de Solesmes, directed by Dom Jean Claire [YouTube]
Felice Anerio performed by the Westminster Cathedral Choir [YouTube]
Anton Bruckner (WAB 11) performed by Polyphony, Stephen Layton conducting [YouTube]
Javier Busto performed by Coro de Voces Graves de Madrid y Orfeón La Paz de La Laguna [YouTube]
Giacomo Carissimi performed by Consortium Carissimi [YouTube]
Alexis Renee Ford performed by Sopranos: Alexis Ford, Kat Supina; Alto: Mark Templeton; Tenors: Tyler Tejada, Brent Klusak; Bass: Matthew Hearn; and the SCI String Ensemble, Eric Daino conducting. [YouTube]
José Maurício Nunes Garcia performed by Musica Brasilis [YouTube]
Michael Haydn performed by Tous Ensemble [YouTube]
Miguel Manzano performed by the Canto de la Hermandad Penitencial del Stmo. Cristo del Espíritu Santo, Zamora [YouTube]
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina performed by Coro Biotz Alai de Algorta [YouTube]
John August Pamintuan performed by the Anglo-Chinese Junior College Choir [YouTube]
Luca Signorelli, Scourging of Christ, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, c. 1480
The Gospel to be read this Sunday is the Passion according to St. Luke. There are several musical versions available for online listening.
14th century anonymous English version of the St Luke Passion performed by Tonus Peregrinus, Antony Pitts conducting. Recorded at the Abbey Church of St Peter & St Paul, Dorchester-on-Thames, UK. [BNQ; BM] (info). For the text in Latin and English open the booklet and go to page 12.
1) Anonymous, The Lukas-Passion, once attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 246.
Performance of Tenor [Evangelist]: Georg Jelden; Bass [Jesus]: Ulrich Schnaible; Sopranos: Charlotte Lehmann & Gudrun Schmid; Alto: Elisabeth Künstler; Tenor: Graeme Nicolson; Bass: Wolfgang Herrlitz; Balinger Kantorei / Kammerorchester Collegium Musicum Tübingen; Gerhard Rehm conducting.
For the text, right-click here, then click on "Open in New Window."
For the music, right-click here, then click on "Open in New Window." Arrange windows.
2) Anonymous, The Lukas-Passion, once attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 246.
Tenor [Evangelist]: Rufus Müller; Bass [Jesus]: Stephan Schreckenberger; Soprano: Mona Spägele; Alto: Christiane Iven; Tenor: Harry van Berne; Bass: Marcus Sandmann; Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Barockorchester Bremen; Wolfgang Helbich conducting.
For the text, right-click here, then click on "Open in New Window."
For the music, right-click here, then click on "Open in New Window." Arrange windows.
Krysztof Penderecki, St. Luke Passion, performed by Izabela Klosinska, soprano; Krysztof Kolberger, reader; Adam Kruszewski, baritone; Romuald Tesarowicz, bass; Warsaw Boys Choir; Warsaw Philharmonic Choir; Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra; Antoni Wit conducting. [YouTube]
Krysztof Penderecki, St. Luke Passion, Antoni Wit conducting, is also available for online listening by the Naxos Music Library with text in Latin and English [BNQ; BM] (info). Open the booklet and go to page 10.

McGill University Noon-Hour Organ Recital Series
The Wolff organ of Redpath Hall
Admission Free
Fridays at 12:30 pm
March 22 - Alexandra Fol (programme)
April 5 - João Segurado
April 12 - Hans-Ola Ericsson
Georges Rouault, Et Veronique, au tendre lin passe encore sur le chemin (And Veronica, with her gentle cloth, still passes on the way), 1948
Click to go to Carlo Gesualdo, Miserere, performed by A Sei Voci.
Click to go to Stabat Mater for Online Listening.

Click to go to Joseph Rheinberger, Stabat Mater, by the Stuttgart Chamber Choir, Stuttgart Instrumental Ensemble, Frieder Bernius conducting.
Albrecht Altdorfer, Crucifixion, Staatliche Museen, Berlin, c.1512
Click to go to Bach Cantatas for Online Listening.
Eric Gill, Palm Sunday, Tate Colections, London, 1929
Click to go to Johann Sebastian Bach, Himmelskönig, sei willkommen / King of heaven, welcome, Cantata 182, for Palm Sunday, with performances by Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Jürgens, Leusink, Richter, and Thomas.