And David became greater and greater, for the LORD, the God of hosts, was with him (2 Samuel 5:10).
Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
2) The Music Calendar for Choral Eucharist and Evensong
3) The Concert Calendar
The Annual International Jazz Festival of Montreal is underway. This Sunday at Christ Church Cathedral there will be a celebration of the third annual Jazz Mass with the Revd Canon Tim Eliot and the Brian Barlow Quartet. In the afternoon instead of evensong there will be Jazz Vespers.

The postlude for Choral Eucharist this Sunday will be Joe Utterback, My hope is built. Click to read about Joe Utterback and listen to some of his music including My hope is built.

Click to learn about choir auditions for children 8-16: The Trebles Choir under the direction of Patrick Wedd.

Summer in Montreal is an Organ Festival
Click for the June-July calendar of organ recitals, most of which are free admission/voluntary contribution.
2009 Commemoration: 200th anniversay of the birth of Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47)

Click to go to Domenico Scarlatti, Stabat Mater dolorosa; Anthony Pleeth, cello; Chi-Chi Nwanoku, double bass; Timothy Bytam-Wigfield, organ; Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford;Francis Grier conducting.