When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified (NRSV, John 6:19).
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
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1) The Music Programme Homepage
3) The Concert Calendar

Harry Christophers

Click to learn about choir auditions for children 8-16: The Trebles Choir under the direction of Patrick Wedd.

Click for the calendar of organ recitals, all of which are free admission/voluntary contribution.
2009 Commemoration: 350th Anniversay of the Birth of Henry Purcell (1659-95)

Click to go to Pipedreams for an hour and a half programme of organ music by Henry Purcell, as well as music attributed to him, namely the famous Trumpet Voluntary in D.
Click to go to Franz Ignaz Beck, Stabat Mater dolorosa, performed by Sandrine Piau, soprano; Heidrun Kordes, soprano; Derek Lee Ragin, countertenor; Christoph Einhorn, tenor; Klaus Mertens, bass; SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart; La Stagione Frankfort; Michael Schneider conducting.
Click to go to a performance of Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata 115 by Soprano: Barbara Schlick, Alto: Andreas Scholl, Tenor: Christoph Prégardien, Bass: Gotthold Schwarz; Das Leipziger Concerto Vocale(Direction: Gotthold Schwarz) / Ensemble Baroque de Limoges; Christophe Coin conducting. Recorded at Ponitz Kirche, Thüringen, Germany.