As the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal daughter of Saul looked out of the window, and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart (NRSV, 2 Samuel 6:16).
Christ Church Cathedral Choir Notes
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Click to go immediately to:
1) The Music Programme Homepage
The Mass setting, Missa Cantate, and the Communion motet, Pange Lingua, [BBC Singers: NML] (info), for this Sunday are by Bob Chilcott. Listen to his Pie Jesu from Fauré's Requiem, sung when he was 12, [CML] (info) and the Kyrie and Gloria from his Little Jazz Mass (Wan Fang Senior High School: YouTube).

Olivier Latry, one of three titulars of the 1887 Cavaillé-Coll organ of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris, will give a free concert, co-sponsored by the McGill Summer Organ Academy and Les Concerts Lachine, on Thursday, July 16, on the 1920/2002 Casavant organ of Sts-Anges-Gardiens in Lachine, at 8:00 pm. Works by Saint-Saëns, Franck, Widor, Vierne, Messiaen, Escaich, Guillou; along with improvisation.

Click to learn about choir auditions for children 8-16: The Trebles Choir under the direction of Patrick Wedd.

Summer in Montreal is an Organ Festival
Click for the June-July calendar of organ recitals, most of which are free admission/voluntary contribution.
2009 Commemoration: 200th Anniversary of the Death of Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Click to go to Joseph Haydn: Die Schöpfung / The Creation; performance by Lucia Popp, Gabriel; Werner Hollweg, Uriel; Kurt Moll, Raphael; Helena Dose, Eve; Benjamin Luxon, Adam; Brighton Festival Chorus (Laszio Heltay, Chorus master); Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Antal Doráti, harpsicord; David Strange, cello; Jack McCormack, double bass Antal Doráti conducting.

Click to go to the complete Johann Sebastian Bach, Clavier-Übung III (The German Organ Mass) played by Marie-Claire Alain on the Schnitger organ in Martinikerk (Groningen), along with that previously posted of Bernard Lagacé on the 1961 Beckerath organ of l’Église de l’Immaculée-Conception, Montreal. Programme notes by Marc-André Doran.